How to sterilize bottles in the microwave?

How to sterilize bottles in the microwave

Mothers of infants must sterilize feeding bottles before each feeding. This is an important procedure that is necessary to prevent the penetration of parasites and bacteria and the development of intestinal infection. Previously, grandmothers poured boiling water over bottles and nipples or boiled them in an ordinary saucepan. The presence of modern technologies makes it possible to avoid this; now you can carry out treatment against harmful factors directly in a microwave oven, if you know how to do it.

Until what age should this be done?

Absolutely all objects with which the baby interacts must be disinfected from bacteria and parasites. Items should be washed with hyperallergenic products and ironed on both sides. Dishes must be sterilized in a microwave oven. This should be done until the baby’s immunity is stronger.

Pediatricians advise disinfecting baby dishes until the baby reaches the age of 6 months, starting from the very first day of her life. Next, the body will be able to cope with possible bacteria. But, the dishes still need to be kept perfectly clean and treated after each feeding with products that do not contain allergens.

The best ways to sterilize baby food containers

In the past, the most common way to remove germs from baby bottles was by boiling them. Currently, with the development of technology, other methods of carrying out the procedure have been invented. In some cases, this can be done even in cold water.


Boiling as a way to destroy bacteria from children's dishes still remains very popular

But how to boil baby bottles and pacifiers while taking precautions? To do this, you will need a deep saucepan, the height of which can ensure that the bottle is completely covered with water. After filling the container with it, the pan must be put on the fire and brought to a boil. Next, the bottles must be boiled for ten to fifteen minutes, and after that the water must be drained

They can be stored in a saucepan covered with a lid for some time before use.

Next, the bottles must be boiled for ten to fifteen minutes, and after that the water must be drained. They can be stored in a saucepan covered with a lid for some time before use.

Video: boiling a bottle:


Using a sterilizer

To ensure the cleanliness and sterility of dishes for babies, modern manufacturers produce special sterilizers, thanks to which parents do not wonder how to properly sterilize bottles for newborns. The device is a small box with compartments for containers and a lid plus a heating element. To use it, you need to pour water into the compartment and fill the cells with bottles. Many units are also equipped with convenient timers, and thanks to their design, the dishes inside can remain sterile for a long time.

It is best to purchase equipment for procedures and utensils from the same manufacturer. Then use will be as comfortable and convenient as possible, and the result will be the best.

In a steamer

How to boil baby bottles and pacifiers using a steamer? This question arose naturally in connection with the appearance of this gadget in people’s kitchens. According to the instructions, you need to pour water into the lower compartment to the specified level, and put baby dishes in one of the upper compartments. To make it sterile, just turn on the timer for five to ten minutes.

Video: how to sterilize with steam?


Using a multicooker

How to sterilize baby bottles using modern kitchen devices? Carrying out the procedure in a multicooker is as convenient and simple as using a double boiler. As a rule, here it is necessary to use the “steam” mode, pouring one liter of water into the bottom of the device and placing the accessories on the appropriate grill.

Using pills

Antiseptic tablets for children's dishes are a relatively new invention and extremely convenient to use, especially if it is possible to carry out the procedure only in cold water. They can be purchased at pharmacies and specialty stores.

It is important that the preparations are odorless and do not leave traces. For the same purpose, the proportions of the product and water should be observed correctly.

Water is poured into a suitable container (can be at any convenient temperature) so that it completely covers the container. The operation time usually takes about forty minutes, thirty of which the nipples, bottles and accessories are in solution.


The operation must be carried out using special bags or containers intended for use in the microwave (usually the manufacturer makes notes on the product packaging about the possibilities of use in the microwave), distributing bottles there and filling them with water. The residence time in the oven will be about seven to eight minutes.


How often to sterilize bottles

Pediatricians advise sterilizing the bottle after or before each feeding so that the baby always eats food from a clean and disinfected bottle. Accordingly, this procedure must be carried out 5-6 times daily. This should also be done in the following cases:

  • immediately after purchasing new dishes;
  • after the child has suffered a viral or infectious disease.

Sterilized dishes must be stored in a clean diaper or a clean towel and removed immediately before feeding. Before transferring expressed milk or preparing formula for a baby, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands.

Preparation process

Before you start sterilizing baby bottles, pacifiers or breast pump parts in the microwave, you need to prepare them. If possible, it is worth disassembling the dishes into individual components, removing handle nipples and other components from them. Each part should be washed with a hot soapy solution or dishwashing detergent marked “from 0” or “from the first day of life” and rinsed thoroughly with clean water.

Be sure to thoroughly rinse the internal walls of the bottle and nipples; it is more convenient to do this using special attachments or a brush. Be sure to examine the integrity of children's utensils. If any kind of damage is noticed on its walls, then it needs to be replaced in order to prevent injury to the baby.

Important! Bottles and nipples can also be processed in the dishwasher, but there should not be any other dishes intended for adult family members in it. It should be treated only with the use of products that are suitable for the age category of the baby.

How to sterilize baby pacifiers?

There are many ways to sterilize nipples. Let's consider the basic methods, proven over the years and by experienced mothers.


Boiling is the most accessible and effective method of sterilization. In order to carry out boiling, you should take a pre-washed pan, pour water into it, and bring to a boil. Immerse the pacifier in it and boil for several minutes or put it in boiling water without boiling. Both methods will cope with the elimination of bacteria.

You can also clean the pacifier of germs using steam. To do this, just hold the pacifier over a pan of boiling water.

If there are several pacifiers, or you need to disinfect a feeding bottle, you can use a steamer pan. To do this, take a container, fill it with water, wait until it boils completely, place the bottles upside down in the steamer and hold them over the steam for 3-4 minutes.

sterilization of pacifiers

In a steamer or dishwasher

Automated household appliances are excellent assistants in sterilizing pacifiers. An electric steamer has a number of advantages. It makes it possible to set the temperature and time mode, and also quickly copes with the task.

Can bottles and nipples be sterilized in the dishwasher? The answer is yes if the dishwasher is equipped with a setting greater than 80 degrees. At lower temperatures, sterilization will not occur, and the material will wear out from time to time.


A microwave, like a dishwasher, is not designed to sterilize nipples, but it is still possible to clean it using it. To do this, you need to take a clean container in which the process will take place, immerse the pacifiers in water and clean at maximum power for 7-8 minutes.

sterilization of a pacifier

Using a sterilizer

Of the household items listed above, the most suitable for cleaning bottles and pacifiers is a sterilizer. It is easy to use, affordable and perfectly destroys bacteria using an ultraviolet lamp.

We treat with antiseptics

An antiseptic is a drug that you can purchase at a pharmacy, used to disinfect household items, and has a chemical composition.

Application: dissolve the antiseptic tablet in a five-liter container of water, immerse pacifiers or bottles in water for 15 minutes, then rinse with boiled water. It would seem that the job is done, the microbes are killed, and this is so. However, after using the antiseptic, an unpleasant odor remains, due to which the baby may refuse the pacifier.

sterilization of a pacifier

How to sterilize

Sterilization of bottles in the microwave is possible in several ways: using special containers suitable for microwaves or bags. You can simplify the task if you purchase self-sterilizing bottles, which do not require special containers or bags. Each type of sterilization has its own characteristics.

Without sterilizer

Not all young mothers have a special device at home for disinfecting children's utensils from bacteria or germs. If you don’t have one, you can still sterilize baby bottles in the microwave. To do this, you will need a plastic container, a microwave oven and a clean soft cloth. The process consists of several basic steps:

  1. You need to prepare a deep plastic container. Rinse it thoroughly with baby detergent and wipe with a clean cloth on all sides.
  2. Place a feeding bottle at the bottom. If the volume allows, then you can process several bottles, nipples or breast pump parts at the same time.
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid and place it in the microwave oven chamber and close it with a lid.
  4. Set the device to the highest power and set the time interval to 1.5 minutes. Start the operating mode of the equipment.

After the signal sounds about the end of heating, you must wait another 2-3 minutes until the dishes cool down a little, so as not to get burned from the hot steam. The dishes should be wiped with a soft cloth and wrapped in a diaper or towel.

Bottle sterilizer

It is much more convenient to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave if there is special equipment for this purpose. It is a container with a lid, inside of which there are special cells for children's utensils. In order to disinfect it, you must do the following:

Can baby bottles be sterilized in the microwave?

Of course, almost every parent is concerned about the issue of processing children's dishes. When asked whether a bottle can be sterilized in a microwave, most experts answer in the affirmative. This is a fairly popular method of processing children's dishes. Its demand is due to the simplicity of the procedure, as well as the absence of the need to use a large number of additional devices and instruments. You only need to have a glass container that will completely fit baby nipples and bubbles.

Sterilizing bottles in the microwave takes very little time, in most cases about 6-8 minutes. It is necessary to take into account the features and characteristics of the electronic device with which the procedure for processing children's dishes is carried out.

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