Which formula is best for a newborn: review of the TOP 10 dairy products

Created: 05/03/2018
Updated: 02/19/2021 18:49:10Share:
*Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Breast milk, of course, is the main source of nutrients for the baby. It is very difficult to replace it, since this is the best option created by nature. But a mother does not always have the opportunity to breastfeed her child for many reasons. For example, sometimes additional feeding is required because the baby does not have enough milk, or it may disappear completely due to stress or illness. In such situations, artificial milk formulas come to the rescue. You should choose them very carefully, because they are the key to the health and proper growth of the baby.

Expertology experts will help you with your purchase, having compiled a rating of the 14 best infant formulas, based on the assessments and recommendations of pediatricians.

Rating of the best milk formulas

NominationplaceName of productprice for 400 gr.
The best milk formulas for newborns1Kabrita 1 GOLD949 ₽
2NAN (Nestlé) 1 Optipro355 ₽
3Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Premium375 ₽
The best hypoallergenic formulas for newborns1NAN (Nestlé) Optipro 1 Hypoallergenic703 ₽
2Nutrilon (Nutricia) Pepti Allergy903 ₽
3Friso Frisopep AS1 054 ₽
The best formulas for premature babies1NAN (Nestlé) Pre799 ₽
2Similac (Abbott) NeoSure627 ₽
The best fermented milk formulas for newborns1Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 fermented milk584 ₽
2Nutrilak Premium fermented milk323 ₽
3NAN Fermented milk 1462 ₽
The best lactose-free formulas for children1NAN (Nestlé) Lactose-free741 ₽
2Nutrilon (Nutricia) Lactose-free769 ₽
The best anti-colic mixture1Friso VOM 1187 ₽

comparison table

In order to compare the presented products, we recommend taking a look at the table with their characteristics.

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ModelWeight (g)CompoundPeriod (months)Price, rub)
MAMAKO 1 Premium400demineralized goat whey, whole goat milkfrom 0 to 6from 1080 to 1485
Kabrita 1 GOLD400whole goat milk, fat complex DigestXfrom 0 to 6from 1350 to 1900
Friso VOM 1400skim milk, demineralized wheyfrom 0 to 6from 635 to 920
NAN (Nestlé) Triple comfort800lactose, vegetable oilsfrom 0 to 12from 1070 to 1620
Vinny350demineralized whey powderfrom 0 to 12from 244 to 310
Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1800hydrolyzed whey protein concentratefrom 6 to 24from 1089 to 1795
Similac (Abbott) Comfort 1375maltodextrin, hydrolyzed whey protein, mineralsfrom 0 to 12from 567 to 789
Nestogen (Nestlé) 1700prebiotics, probioticsfrom 0 to 12from 550 to 700
Friso 1 Lock Nutri700demineralized whey, skim milkfrom 0 to 12from 431 to 550
Valio Baby 1350demineralized whey, normalized milkfrom 0 to 12from 431 to 550

The best milk formulas for newborns

Kabrita 1 GOLD

Rating 4.9

The first place in the ranking is occupied by adapted milk formula, developed for children from birth to six months. It is 100 percent free of cow's milk, so it is suitable for babies with lactose intolerance. Instead, goat meat is used here, which is highly digestible. The content of linolenic and linoleic fatty acids, as well as arachidnic acid (ARA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is important for the development of the child’s brain and vision.


  • no preservatives or sugar;
  • content of prebiotics, probiotics and bifidobacteria;
  • promotes proper digestion;
  • strengthens the name system.


  • high cost - 800 g jar about 2 thousand rubles;

NAN (Nestlé) 1 Optipro

Rating 4.8

On the second line of the rating is milk formula, balanced in the amount of proteins so that the baby grows healthy and strong. Includes live BL bifidobacteria, which strengthen the immune system. Also contains fatty acids DHA and ARA, present in breast milk. Designed for the age group from birth. When taken, there are no problems with stool or regurgitation. Suitable for healthy babies. The product is made from high-quality raw materials that have passed mandatory testing.


  • without palm oil, sugar and starch;
  • contains vitamins C, E, PP, A, B1, B6, B2, as well as group D;
  • contains pantothenic and folic acid, as well as biotin;
  • large volume – 800 g;
  • acceptable cost - 600 rub.


  • not found.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Premium

Rating 4.7

The third position in the rating goes to an adapted milk formula with the unique Pronutri+ complex. Contains prebiotics GOS and FOS, which promote the formation of healthy intestinal microflora in the child. They also help support the immune system, reducing the risk of infections and allergic reactions. The special fatty acids ARA and DHA improve brain and vision development. Includes a balanced complex of minerals and vitamins that promotes proper growth of babies up to one year old. Designed for children from the first day of life.


  • contains prebiotics;
  • without sugar, starch and preservatives;
  • easy to divorce;
  • does not cause colic or problems with stool;
  • reasonable price - 800 g jar about 680 rubles.


  • there is a specific smell.

The best baby formula with goat milk

This option for baby food appeared on domestic markets not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity. This is due to the theory that goat’s milk is absorbed by an immature child’s body more easily than cow’s milk and in its properties is equivalent to mother’s breast milk. It is also suitable for feeding newborns who are allergic to cow's milk. At the same time, the choice of mothers who decide to switch to such a product is small - there are only 4 similar brands on the market, which will be described in detail.


A highly adapted mixture from the Netherlands, made from natural farm goat milk. Kabrita® is today considered the best and most modern goat's milk formula.

Firstly, the mixture is enriched with the most valuable goat milk whey (63%), and its protein content is balanced (1.3 g per 100 ml of the finished mixture), which makes it gentle on the baby’s health.

Secondly, a unique complex of Digest X® fats with a high (42%) triglyceride content, similar to breast milk fats, helps ease digestion, reduce the frequency of constipation and improve intestinal microflora.

And thirdly, in addition to traditional omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, the composition contains pro- and prebiotics that help digestion and the formation of immunity.

The benefits described above are very important for baby nutrition, especially in the first months after birth. According to reviews from numerous mothers, Cabrita is the best goat milk mixture, which helps digestion and saturates the child very well, providing a good night's sleep, and therefore rest for the mother.


  • Whey to casein ratio 63:37, same as breast milk
  • rich and healthy composition
  • no palm oil
  • has a positive effect on babies’ digestion and sleep


  • high price


A New Zealand product that is rightfully considered the best goat milk formula. Its main difference from products of other brands is the high content of casein proteins, which are easier for an immature body to digest. Another feature is the absence of additional processing of milk, which ensures maximum preservation of its beneficial qualities. In addition, the product of this brand does not contain palm oil. All this together ensures a minimal risk of allergies, which is very important when it comes to a newborn baby.


  • high quality products
  • no palm oil or whey protein
  • minimal risk of allergies


  • high price


Infant formula from a Spanish manufacturer contains casein and whey proteins in equal proportions. The product did not manage to gain much popularity, as it appeared on the shelves relatively recently. However, mothers who have tried it note that milk based on it has a pleasant sweet taste that children like. Statistics on allergic reactions are also minimal.


  • proportional ratio of whey and casein proteins
  • rich in prebiotics


  • difficult to find (not sold in all stores)

MDmil SP Goat

Infant formula with a good composition, jointly produced by Switzerland and Spain. Unlike other brands of baby food, the saturation of milk with proteins and salts is within the normal range (in other products it either exceeds the permissible limits or is at their upper limit). This optimal combination allows you to avoid unnecessary stress on children's organs such as the intestines and kidneys. In addition, here the ratio of omega acids is closest to breast milk, which has a positive effect on the development of the children's nervous system.


  • optimal composition with minimal risk of allergies
  • normalization of stool and absence of colic when consumed


  • high price

It is important to know! Never store dry formula in the open, as there are microorganisms in the air that can also get into the food.

We recommend watching the Test Purchase video about baby formula!

The best hypoallergenic formulas for newborns

NAN (Nestlé) Optipro 1 Hypoallergenic

Rating 4.9

The first place in the category is occupied by powdered milk formula, which is as close as possible to breast milk. It has a balanced composition to provide the baby with everything necessary for harmonious mental and physical development. The product reduces the risk of development and occurrence of allergic reactions. Contains live bifidobacteria BL, which strengthen the immune system. The milk mixture is made from high-quality raw materials and does not contain GMOs, flavors, dyes or preservatives.


  • easy to digest;
  • without cow's milk protein, starch and sugar;
  • includes a large vitamin complex.


  • does not dissolve well in warm water;
  • relatively expensive - a 400 g jar costs about 700 rubles.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) Pepti Allergy

Rating 4.8

The second position goes to dry adapted formula for children from birth. Made from hydrolyzed whey proteins. Contains prebiotics. It is an ideal option for feeding babies with food allergies. Immediately after the introduction of the milk formula, the symptoms begin to go away, irritation, rash, and redness subside. Helps with atopic dermatitis. Contains an advanced complex of fatty acids ARA and DHA to help strengthen the immune system. Efficiency has been proven in clinical studies. May have a bitter taste due to hydrolyzed whey protein.


  • dissolves well;
  • pleasant to the taste;
  • contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements.


  • high cost - 400 g jar about 1 thousand rubles.

Friso Frisopep AS

Rating 4.8

In third place is a powdered milk formula with a special formula for therapeutic nutrition of babies prone to allergies caused by consuming cow's milk protein. The product contains deep hydrolyzed casein, which quickly relieves allergy symptoms. Includes all essential nutrients to ensure healthy growth and development of the baby. Contains nucleotides, linoleic and linolenic acids, as well as choline. Designed for feeding children from birth. For older people, from six months, it can be used as part of a special diet with other products. It has a bitter aftertaste, which is normal for this type of mixture. Before use, consultation with a pediatrician is required.


  • high efficiency;
  • without preservatives, sugar and starch;
  • easy to divorce;
  • does not cause problems with stool and regurgitation.


  • high cost - 400 g jar about 1170 rubles.

How to choose the best formula for a newborn: Komarovsky’s advice

  • Buy only those mixtures that can be easily found in stores in your city.
  • Carefully study the information on the packaging. Not only the daily dose and preparation instructions should be indicated there. Look for a special table in which you can find data on the baby’s weight, age and nutritional standards corresponding to these data.
  • Do not take specialized food unless there is a reason for it.
  • For newborns, it is better to choose a highly adapted milk formula. Then, with age, you can switch to less and partially adapted ones.
  • If the formula is suitable for a newborn and does not cause undesirable reactions, then it is better not to change it often and use it for constant nutrition or supplementary feeding.
  • Buy products from companies that have a food line for all ages. This will not cause stress to your digestive system when switching to other brands as you age.

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Be sure to monitor the baby after introducing artificial nutrition. If there are no problems with digestion or skin rashes, then the best mixture has been chosen correctly.

The best formulas for premature babies

NAN (Nestlé) Pre

Rating 4.9

First place in the category goes to dry milk formula for feeding low birth weight and premature babies with a balanced set of elements. Helps to develop and grow faster, as it is designed taking into account all the needs of underweight children. Not suitable for infants with allergies to cow's milk protein. Contains DHA (omega-3) and ARA (omega-6) fatty acids that help strengthen the immune system, as well as vision and brain development.


  • easy to digest and assimilate;
  • has an optimal ratio of phosphorus and calcium;
  • without starch and sugar;
  • does not contain preservatives, flavors, dyes and GMOs.


  • there are contraindications;
  • relatively expensive - 400 g jar about 870 rubles.

Similac (Abbott) NeoSure

Rating 4.8

The second line goes to infant formula with a high content of nutrients to ensure accelerated development and growth of premature or underweight children. Contains the necessary nucleotides, a mixture of vegetable fats, which helps strengthen the immune system, as well as the formation of soft stools. The product contains a reduced amount of lactose, which reduces the risk of gas formation, so the baby will not suffer from colic.


  • no palm oil;
  • increased amount of protein and calories;
  • a complex of essential minerals and vitamins;
  • without sugar and starch;
  • does not contain preservatives, dyes or flavors.


  • high cost - 370 g jar about 1 thousand rubles.

The best fermented milk formulas for newborns

Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 fermented milk

Rating 4.9

The first line in the category goes to an adapted milk formula that improves the baby’s digestion. The product was obtained by fermentation using a special strain of bacteria. The baby’s digestive system, which has not yet matured, can easily cope with digestion and absorb the mixture well. Natural enzymes in the composition will promote better digestion of lactose, which will reduce the risk of colic. The acidity level of the formula is as close as possible to breast milk.


  • proven effectiveness in clinical studies;
  • includes bifidobacteria;
  • without sugar, starch and preservatives;
  • low cost - 400 g jar about 450 rubles.


  • not found.

Nutrilak Premium fermented milk

Rating 4.8

In second place in the rating is an adapted fermented milk mixture, which has an improved fat composition and does not contain rapeseed and palm oil. Contains natural milk fats, bifidobacteria and important nutrients. Ensures the full development of children with a weak digestive system. Includes beta palmitate, which gives the body energy, as well as phospholipids, sphingomyelin, gangliosides, which form the brain membrane, developing the baby’s intelligence.


  • probiotic complex for better digestion and absorption;
  • contains lutein to protect the retina from UV rays;
  • the mixture was developed jointly with leading specialists from the Scientific Center for Children's Health;
  • without starch, sugar and preservatives;
  • reasonable price - box 370 g about 350 rubles.


  • not found.

NAN Fermented milk 1

Rating 4.7

The third position goes to a balanced powdered milk formula with all the necessary nutrients so that the baby develops harmoniously. The product helps normalize microflora and improve digestive processes, which protects the child from intestinal infections. Contains bifidobacteria BL and a complex of essential vitamins and microelements.


  • easy to digest;
  • does not cause gas formation;
  • without sugar, starch and preservatives.


  • relatively expensive - 400 g about 550 rubles.

The best lactose-free formulas for children

NAN (Nestlé) Lactose-free

Rating 4.9

The first place in the category is lactose-free milk powder, specially designed for children with lactose intolerance. A special combination of components accelerates the recovery process after diarrhea. The product contains easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as L. Reuteri, which is a probiotic culture that has a beneficial effect on the body's digestive processes, promoting the proper development of intestinal microflora. Includes all necessary nucleotides.


  • high efficiency;
  • reduces the risk of colic;
  • without sugar, starch and preservatives.


  • used only after consultation with a pediatrician;
  • relatively expensive - 400 g about 670 rubles.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) Lactose-free

Rating 4.8

The second line goes to dry milk formula based on calcium caseinate. The product effectively eliminates the symptoms of lactose deficiency, ensuring the absence of negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. Lactose in the mixture is replaced with easily digestible and assimilable glucose syrup. Quickly relieves symptoms by normalizing intestinal barrier functions, as well as improving digestion due to the content of nucleotides.


  • without starch, sugar and preservatives;
  • includes all necessary microelements and vitamins;
  • effectiveness has been proven by clinical studies.


  • relatively expensive - 400 g about 700 rubles.

The best anti-colic mixture

Friso VOM 1

Rating 4.9

The best in the category was recognized as a dry milk formula that helps in the fight against constipation and colic. Designed for feeding children from birth to six months. Contains prebiotics and essential vitamins for the proper development of the baby. Made from fresh milk. The composition includes carob bean gum, which plays the role of natural dietary fiber, which makes the mixture thick, which reduces the risk of frequent regurgitation.


  • antireflux;
  • without starch, sugar and preservatives;
  • easy to digest.


  • relatively expensive - 400 g about 600 rub.

List of companies and food


Istra-Nutritsia is a manufacturer of food products for children from birth to three years old. Leader in the domestic market. For newborns and children up to one year old, they offer formula and baby milk. The products are presented under the brands “Malyutka”, “Malysh”, “Nutrilon”.


Adapted mixture for feeding children from birth. The most popular of domestic mixtures.

It is divided into types according to the age category of the child:

  • From birth.
  • From 2 to 6 months.
  • From 3 to 12 months.
  • From 4 months to one and a half years.

In addition, the mixture is divided into milk and fermented milk. Regular milk is suitable for healthy children without digestive problems. Fermented milk is intended for children with stool and digestive disorders, and for those who have an allergic reaction to cow protein.

Contains all the necessary components for the growth and development of the child, vitamins and minerals. It also contains a number of vegetable oils, including palm oil, maltodextrin, fish oil, fatty acids, prebiotics, vitamins and microelements. Of particular note is the presence of vitamin D and iron. These components are especially necessary for children living in the natural conditions of Russia.

The advantages include the absence of preservatives and dyes, an affordable price, and constant availability in stores.

Attention! Among the shortcomings, parents note a cloying sweet taste, the presence of sugar in the composition, soy lecithin, and starch. The mixture foams a lot when cooked.


Which is divided into several categories:

  1. Baby Istra 1 - for a child from birth to six months.
  2. Baby 2 – formula for feeding a child from 6 months. May contain oat or rice flour. More nutritious and high in calories, suitable for healthy children with good digestion.
  3. Baby-3 , milk for feeding children after 1 year of life. This mixture contains everything necessary for a child of the second year of life, as well as additional vitamins and microelements.

The product contains a complex of vitamins and microelements, it dissolves quickly and has a pleasant, sweetish taste. The mixture is inexpensive and available to a wide range of consumers. But, the mixture contains a large amount of maltodextrin. This component saturates for a long time, but with increased doses it negatively affects the child’s health. Contains no probiotics, nucleatides or omega fatty acids. This refers to the disadvantages.


The main division of the product by age of the child:

  • From birth to 6 months.
  • From six months to a year.
  • From a year to a year and a half.
  • After a year and a half.

This is not the only division by species.

Reference. In addition to the age category, the manufacturer also takes into account the developmental characteristics of the baby.

In this regard, several more categories have been identified:

  1. Nutrilon Comfort - for children with increased gas formation and a tendency to constipation.
  2. Nutrilon Fermented Milk - for children with digestive problems and a tendency to diarrhea.
  3. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic - for children with allergic reactions to food.
  4. Nutrilon Lactose-free – for children with lactose intolerance.
  5. Nutrilon Antireflux - for children with a tendency to frequent regurgitation.
  6. Nutrilon Amino Acids - for children with malabsorption syndrome.
  7. Nutrilon Pepti Allergy is a medicinal mixture to reduce the frequency of allergic reactions or cure them.
  8. Nutrilon Pepti Gastro - for children with impaired absorption of substances in the intestines.
  9. Nutrilon Pre – for premature and low birth weight babies.

Each product contains the necessary components for a specific case. The variety of types allows you to select the mixture individually based on the health and development of the child. But each of them contains prebiotics, nucleotides, and microelements in the required dose.

The only disadvantages include the absence of nucleoids in the Junior 3.4 mixtures and the absence of probiotics. Parents who have a negative attitude towards palm oil consider this to be one of the disadvantages. In addition, the product has a fairly high price.


JSC Wimm-Bill-Dann produces infant formula in Russia under the name “Agusha”.

Attention! For newborns: liquid and dry, fresh and fermented milk. By age category they are divided from birth to 6 months, and from 6 months to one year. The composition is adapted to the composition of breast milk.

They contain protein for the child’s growth and immunity, vitamins and minerals, and the amino acid taurine for the proper development of the nervous system and retina.

Fermented milk formula is recommended for children with digestive disorders, colic, constipation, or allergies to other types of formula.

The main advantages include price, pleasant taste, the presence of necessary probiotics and vitamins, dry or liquid form of release, medicinal formula compositions for children with digestive problems.

There are also disadvantages - palm oil in the composition, the presence of sugar, inconvenient packaging, poor solubility of the dry mixture in water. Sometimes there are allergic reactions to this type of mixture.

The presence of palm or rapeseed oil is not suitable for some babies. In addition, there is still debate about the possibility of using these oils, especially palm oil, for the preparation of infant formula.


Infaprim is a Russian company specializing in the production of food for newborn babies. It became famous under the brand Nutrilak and Nutrilak Premium.

The formulas are suitable for feeding newborns from the moment of birth. They are divided according to composition and age categories of the child. Formula for children from birth to one year, from birth to six months, from six months to one year. For children after 1 year of life, the next level is intended - from 1 year.

Important! The composition is adapted for breast milk. Contains natural milk fat instead of palm oil. Suitable for children with lactose intolerance, allergies, or digestive problems.

In addition to the main components, it contains prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, fatty acids, and nucleotides. Does not contain sugar or starch. Another advantage is the affordable price. The disadvantages include a high degree of osmolality, which affects the functioning of the child’s digestive organs.

When choosing a formula for feeding a child, you need to focus on his condition:

  • If the child is healthy and has no allergies or intolerances to some components, then you should give preference to the Malyutka mixture. It has the most balanced composition, containing all the necessary microelements and fatty acids. It saturates well and helps improve digestion. The advantage over competitors will be the price and uninterrupted presence on sale, unlike imported mixtures.
  • If you have any health or development problems, you should pay attention to Nutrilon nutrition. A wide variety and division according to quality composition will allow you to choose the right product that is most suitable for your child. The only drawback is the high cost, but they don’t skimp on health.
  • If you choose according to the principle of “cheap and cheerful”, then the ideal mixture would be “Agusha”. This product will allow you to feed your child before introducing complementary foods or switching to adult foods and will not cause damage to the family budget.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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